Customer Testimonials

What Our Customers Are Saying

Don’t just take it from us, let our customers do the talking!

Wonderful experience, my dad has used them for years and recommended them to me. John and Michelle were extremely accommodating, responsive and friendly. Also reasonably priced compared to the other options. Highly recommend their service.
The driver, John (different John), was friendly, communicative, and knew his truck very well.

Overall, 100% recommend Peninsula. Cheers!

Kassandra T via Yelp

I seem to order a debris box every couple months for work and Peninsula always has quick drop off and pick up promptly when I call it in. Not to mention they beat the pants off recology in the price department! It’s always a pleasure to do business with them.

Michael M via Yelp

We were getting a lot of sliding doors and large panes of glass replaced at our house.  The previous debris box company I called bailed last minute (partially my fault because i didn’t call to confirm the day before).  We were in a crunch as it would have been incredibly unsafe to have broken pieces of glass throughout our yard (and impossible to clean up).  Luckily Peninsula was open (on a Saturday, which was hard to find), and delivered a debris box the same day (4 hours after my call).  I called for pick-up on the following Monday, and the debris box was picked up first thing Wednesday morning. Price for a 15 CYS was as quoted – $380 (up to 3 tons of weight I believe, and then $95/ton after that). (We only filled the dumpster about half-way full.)  No extra/hidden charges.

Yayu L via Yelp